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Patient Education

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Looking for education materials to share with your patients? Browse below for some of the resources developed by the MASCC Study Groups


MASCC/ESMO Antiemetic Guidelines Patient Resources

Cancer Therapy and Nausea


Mucositis Management Information Sheets

Mucositis Management for Patients Treated with Chemotherapy

Developed by: Emma Bateman (Section Liaison), Dorothy Keefe, Sara Gallego, Elishka Marvan, Raj Nair, Doreen Pon and Vinisha Ranna (project assistant).


Mucositis Management for Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation(HSCT).

Developed by: Luiz Gueiros (Section Liaison), Joel Epstein, Nicole Blijlevens, Sara Gallego, Elishka Marvan, Raj Nair, Doreen Pon and Vinisha Ranna (project assistant).


Mucositis Management for Patients Treated with Radiotherapy to the Head and Neck

Developed by: Raj Nair (Section Liaison), Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis, Wolfgang Doerr, Sara Gallego, Abhishek Kandwal, Elishka Marvan and Vinisha Ranna (project assistant).


These Information Sheets were developed by the MASCC’s Mucositis Study Group in partnership with ISOO and are based on the MASCC/ISOO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Mucositis Secondary to Cancer Therapy (2014).

Cancer Therapy and Diarrhea

Cancer Therapy and Mouth Sores


Brochure for Patients with EGFRI Side Effects:

Caring for Your Skin, Hair and Nails when on “Targeted Therapies”.

This brochure was developed by MASCC’s Oncodermatology Study Group

Cancer Therapy and Your Hair, Skin and Nails

Oral Care

Patient Information Fact Sheets:

These fact sheets were created by members of ISOO and the MASCC/ISOO Oral Care Study Group. They are meant to be personalized by each cancer center that uses them.

Video Storyboards:

These storyboards provide a video alternative to the Patient Information Fact Sheets. They can be viewed on computers, tablets, smart phones, or overhead in waiting rooms.

Self-Care During Active Chemotherapy

Self-Care Before Head-and-Neck Radiation

Self-Care During Head-and-Neck Radiation

Self-Care After Head-and-Neck Radiation

Cancer Therapy and Mouth Sores


Credit for the development of the following infographics and animations: Cancer Therapy and Nausea, Cancer Therapy and Diarrhea, Cancer Therapy and Mouth Sores, Cancer Therapy and Your Hair, Skin, and Nails

Tom Little

Antiemetics: Mary Affronti, Evelein de Vos Kerkhof, Tabata Palvora

Diarrhea: Ysabella Van Sebille, Andrea Stringer, Tabata Palvora

Oral Care: Christine Boer-Doets, Margherita Gobbo, Rodolfo Mauceri

Oncodermatology: Annemie Galimont Collen, Azael Freites Martinez, Claire Marie Reyes Habito

Additonal Member: Karen Hande

Editorial Team:
Steve Sonis, Joel Epstein, Sharon Elad, Corina van den Hurk, Julie Ryan, Florian Scotte, Leslie Johnson

Nadia Corsini, Ysabella van Sebille, Hannah Wardill, Andrew Davies